Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Issue 19: I'd never be able to move/accelerate.

First off, I apologize for my bland comics. My lack of backgrounds namely. As you can see, I had a pathetic attempt at making a background. But to no avail, so I decided to scrap the notion that I can do that. I can do boring backgrounds when I'm dead... Or when people demand them.

I also apologize for my lack of comics. I'm kind of half-assing them. Mass Effect, Super Mario Galaxy, and a MMO trial can do this to you.

Also, I'm not this mean and upfront to people in real life. I'm actually extremely passive. Its one of those things like "Me in the comic is my alter ego" If I actually made who I was, it would be a boring/depressing/whiny webcomic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hell yes!